Gula Cakery - Elliot & Co - Fastest Growing PR Agency Singapore & Malaysia
Gula Cakery

Gula Cakery’s objective was to i
ncrease visibility and brand recognition across various kinds of social media channels. Showcase their expertise in producing mouthwatering, homemade cakes.

The challenge was to gather traction and ensure engagement with brand amidst having competition with other global dessert brands in Malaysia. 

The idea was to develop campaigns that highlight customers’ personal experiences, as well as the high quality of the product. Form content focused on their new menu items in connection with the festive occasion.

The results were outstanding as through campaigns, media drops, and content, we generated favourable word-of-mouth and high exposure for Gula Cakery garnering 37 media coverages, PR value of RM670,000 and 28 million impressions.

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