OUR COVID-19 SUPPORT TO START-UPS: Brand Legacy Speaks VolumeS In Tough Times

Elliot was born 4 years ago to because we believe in the stories of startups and SMEs. In such unprecedented and troubling times, it means even more to us to be able to tell your untold stories. It would be our privilege, now, even more than ever to make sure your story is told amidst the confusion and clutter of today’s news.

Speak to us today to enjoy 18% off on our 3 Month PR and Digital Marketing Packages.

Our Services

As an impact consultancy focusing on start-ups and SMEs, we are equipped with a unique toolset perfect for executing targeted PR, digital marketing and branding campaigns that work for businesses on any scale, at a competitive budget.
We can get your business story out there with no advertising cost. How? We guarantee features in the media for your brand, helping you achieve your strategic objectives. With industry insights relevant to the global pandemic, we’d be reaching out to your audience with a curated message that positions your business as a knowledge leader.
Whether your goals are about moving awareness efforts for your brand online or getting your digital sales channels up, we can help you with reaching that key audience who’s staying at home. Achieve quantifiable, visible results with our lead generation strategies and expertise.

With networking events cancelled, your online presence can help you connect with opportunity. Turn your online network into a professional presence that engages with your audience while establishing your brand’s credibility and influence.

Use “18ELLIOTPR2020”

to take 18% off a 3-month Public Relations package, ONE GUARANTEED feature

Use “18ELLIOTDM2020”

to take 18% off a Digital Marketing package, with a Complimentary SME Toolkit


Get in touch with us today.
